姓 名:刘斯佳
学 位:博士
职 称:教授
2007.09-2011.07 沈阳农业大学 设施农业科学与工程 学士
2011.09-2013.07 中国农业大学 草学 硕士
2013.09-2017.07 中国农业大学 草学 博士
2014.09-2016.10 美国Noble Research Institute牧草改良中心 联合培养博士
2017.09-2021.10 瑞典农业大学 林木遗传与植物生理系 博士后
2021.12至今 沈阳农业大学 bob体彩综合 教授
主要开展重要饲草、能源草及乡土草优异农艺性状及抗逆基因的挖掘及功能解析相关研究,并利用基因工程手段对草类植物的品质、生物量及抗逆性进行遗传改良。主持高层次引进人才项目和教育厅面上项目,曾参研国家自然科学基金及国家863、973项目等。在Annual Review of Plant Biology、Frontiers in Plant Science、New Phytologist等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文9篇,其中第一作者文章4篇。参编著作2部,获得发明专利授权5项。
1. Liu, S., F. Jobert, Z. Rahneshan, S. M. Doyle, S. Robert, 2021. Solving the Puzzle of Shape Regulation in Plant Epidermal Pavement Cells. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 72:525-550. (IF=28.31, 中科院一区top)
2. Liu, S., C. Fu, J. Gou, L. Sun, D. Huhman, Y. Zhang, Z. Y. Wang, 2017. Simultaneous downregulation of MTHFR and COMT in switchgrass affects plant performance and induces lesion-mimic cell death. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 982. (IF=6.627, 中科院二区top)
3. Huang, Y.*, S. Liu*, S. Yuan, C. Guan, D. Tian, X. Cui, Y. Zhang, F. Yang, 2017. Overexpression of ovine AANAT and HIOMT genes in switchgrass leads to improved growth performance and salt-tolerance. Scientific Reports, 7(1): 1-3. (IF=4.996, 中科院三区)
4. Liu, S., Y. Huang, C. He, C. Fang, Y. Zhang, 2016. Cloning, bioinformatics and transcriptional analysis of caffeoyl-coenzyme A 3-O-methyltransferase in switchgrass under abiotic stress. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 15(3): 636-649. (IF=4.384, 中科院二区)
5. Liu, S., Z. Zhao, X. Yu, H. Li, Y. Zhang, 2012. Analysis on photosynthetic characteristics and carbon sequestration potential of Lespedeza bicolor of SP1 generation. Advanced Materials Research, 518: 4985-4993. Trans Tech Publications.
6. Raggi, S., E. Demes, S. Liu, S. Verger, S. Robert, 2020. Polar expedition: mechanisms for protein polar localization. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 53, 134-140. (IF=9.396, 中科院一区top)
7. Guan, C., Y. Huang, X. Cui, S. Liu, Y. Zhuan, Y. Zhang, 2018. Overexpression of gene encoding the key enzyme involved in proline-biosynthesis (PuP5CS) to improve salt tolerance in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). Plant Cell Reports, 37(8): 1187-1199. (IF=4.964, 中科院二区)
8. Gou, J., C. Fu, S. Liu, C. Tang, S. Debnath, A. Flanagan, Y. Ge, Y. Tang, Q. Jiang, P. R. Larson, J. Wen, Z. Y. Wang, 2017. The miR156‐SPL4 module predominantly regulates aerial axillary bud formation and controls shoot architecture. New Phytologist, 216(3): 829-840. (IF=10.323, 中科院一区top)
9. Yuan, S., C. Guan, S. Liu, Y. Huang, D. Tian, X. Cui, Y. Zhang, F. Yang, 2016. Comparative transcriptomic analyses of differentially expressed genes in transgenic melatonin biosynthesis ovine HIOMT gene in switchgrass. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 1613. (IF=6.627, 中科院二区top)
10. Yuan, S., Y. Huang, S. Liu, C. Guan, X. Cui, D. Tian, Y. Zhang, F. Yang, 2016. RNA-seq analysis of overexpressing ovine AANAT gene of melatonin biosynthesis in switchgrass. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 1289. (IF=6.627, 中科院二区top)
11. Li, H., H. Lu, F. Yang, S. Liu, C. Bai, Y. Zhang, 2015. Cloning and sequence analysis of sucrose phosphate synthase gene from varieties of Pennisetum species. Genetics and Molecular Research,14(1): 2799-2808.
12. Cong, L., X. Zhang, F. Yang, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, 2014. Isolation of the P5CS gene from reed canary grass and its expression under salt stress. Genetics and Molecular Research, 13(4): 9122-9133.
13. 黄艳华, 杜娟, 夏田, 刘斯佳,李洪超,张蕴薇. 近红外光谱在植物种及品种鉴定中的应用[J]. 中国农学通报, 2014, 30(6): 46-51.
14. 孙元元, 钱莉莉, 刘斯佳, 杜娟,黄艳华,路海博,张蕴薇. 5个品种柳枝稷愈伤组织的生长特点研究[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2014, 42(13): 3819-3822.